現在發現 總之功課還是做不完啊
我第一個反應就是 深深覺得自己的英文能力還是不足啊!
[點我觀看] 學生自製 I am a Taiwanese影片
在此引用 <最強圖解新多益單字記憶術> 來看看有沒有什麼字還沒學會!
首先 先來看一些名詞吧!
行政院 Executive Yuan
立法院 Legislative Yuan
總統府 Office of the President
parliament (n.)議會,國會
riot police: 防暴(鎮暴)警察
保安警察: 內政部使用的英文命名是 Special Police
民進黨DPP- democratic progressive party
國民黨KMT - Kuomintang
接著我們來看一些 "Democracy at 4 am" 還有英文新聞的句子 搭配多益單字吧!
1. press conference (n.) 記者會
The students held a press conference, demanded President Ma to apologize, the police to retreat from parliament, and Premier Jiang Yi-huah to resign.
2. declare, claim, enunciate (v.) 宣布, 聲明
Students declared the success of congress occupation.
3. manifesto (n.) 宣言,告示
Speaker Wang says all parties have heard students and their manifestos.
4. vandalism (n.)故意破壞公物(或文化、藝術)的行為
demonstration (n.) 示威, 示威運動
Students occupying Legislative Yuan has established common rules, including no vandalism and non-violent demonstration, to maintain peace and reason.
5. vehemently (adv.) 激烈地
anarchy (n.) 無秩序, 混亂
Students formed a picket to ensure there will be no vehemently violent actions and anarchy.
6. incur, evoke, generate (v.) 招致, 引起
aversion (n.) 厭惡,反感
The refusion to reject CSSTA generated people's aversion.
7. antipathy (n.) 反感,厭惡
Why do people show great antipathy against President Ma?
8. indifference (n.)漠不關心, 無關緊要的事
It is indifference that makes the world's most dangerous thing.
This should not be a matter of indifference to you.
9. gather (v.) 聚集, 集合
gathering (n.) 集會, 聚集
1,500 police officers gather and storm Executive Yuan with water connons, preparing to drag away all students in the building.
10. evacuate (v.)撤空,撤離;從……撤退
Riot police attacked the students to evacuate them, ignoring that the students were unarmed and were not fighting back.
11. deny (v.)否認
denial (n.) 否定
Disregard the evidence, Primier Jiang denied the bloody suppressions.
12. march (v.)遊行,示威
Students expand protest to lead a march.
相關英文影片 (可以點選youtube英文字幕喔)
[點我看]318 Parliament Occupation in Taiwan 反服貿國際聲援影片
[點我看] Taiwan's Sunflower Student Revolution | China Uncensored影片
1. Pray for Taiwan tumblr. 我的同學為此事件建造的tumblr.
2. 台灣學生自製的網站 Democracy at 4 am
新多益情報誌: 來看看服貿議題多益可以怎麼出題吧!
[點我看]TOEIC Guide 多益攻略:向國際發聲!先搞懂「服貿協議」的英文