
sunflower movement  

On The New York Times yesterday, March 30, this comic compares the new trade pact between Taiwan and China with the Trojan Horse.


The demonstrators said they feared the deal would give Beijing too much influence over the country’s economy.

(請注意這裡他用"the country"來說台灣,表示承認我們是一個國家!)

以上轉貼自: The New York Students in Taiwan Protest Trade Deal With China

                 Plurk post #轉臉書 #紐約時報



PHOTOS: Taiwan's SunfloweSun Movement Protest Is Also Strikingly Beautiful

有些單字在 上一篇 [服貿議題英文x多益單字] 318 Parliament Occupation in Taiwan 出現過囉!


1. ram (v.)反覆灌輸,迫使接受 [+across/through]

    Students are accusing their government of ramming through a controversial trade deal with China.


2. dub (v.)授予……稱號;把……叫做

    The protests, dubbed the "sunflower movement," started two weeks ago when Taiwan's ruling party pushed the trade bill through the parliamentary review process without bipartisan discussion.


3. fend (v.)抵擋,擊退;避開 [+off]

    Students stormed the parliament building and have occupied the main chamber for 14 days, fending off attempted police raids by piling entrances and exits with furniture.


4. skeptical (adj.)懷疑的,多疑的 [+about/of]

    transparency (n.)透明;透明度

    However, many in the country are deeply skeptical of China's influence while at the same time demanding greater transparency from their government.


其他相關文章:EricMaderLin: Why the American media blackout on Taiwan?

William Pesek: Is China Losing Taiwan?


unprecedented (adj.)無先例的,空前的

facilitate (v.)促進;幫助

The trade pact gives Chinese investors unprecedented leverage power on Taiwan's economy, which would ultimately facilitate a future Chinese takeover of the island.


autocrat (n.)獨裁者

President Ma's actions are seen by most people here as those of an autocrat rather than a democratically elected president.


prank (n.)胡鬧;惡作劇

This particular gangster organization isn't known for pulling April Fool's pranks.


incompetence (n.)不勝任﹐不稱職


It may just be journalistic incompetence or budget constraints that keep reporters away.


renege (v.)食言;背信;違約

implement (v.)履行;實施;執行

infuriate (v.)使大怒,觸怒

But when Ma reneged on a promise to allow a clause-by-clause review before implementing it, he infuriated the island's youth.


precinct (n.)選區,管理區,管轄區域

Ma seems to have forgotten he's running a democracy, not a Communist Party precinct.


flare up 1. 達到更激烈的狀態; 突然發怒 2. (指疾病)復發

 No doubt Xi and Obama never expected Taiwan to flare up as an issue between them this year.



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